TPV Fitness

Always use higher smoke point oils. Lower smoke point oils can oxidize and break down under high heat which leads to harmful disease-causing free radicals.
Top 4 Cooking Oils:

  1. Avocodo Oil- heart healthy monosaturated fats.
  2. Coconut Oil – great source of triglycerides (MCT’Ss) and medicinal properties.
  3. EVOO – considered the healthiest and best overall for cooking. Antioxidants and monosaturated fats.
  4. Grape seed Oil- Good source of polyunsaturated fat and high in Vitamin E.
    Oils To Avoid;
    These oils are coming from genetically modified crops. They are also highly over processed, which leads to harmful disease-causing free radicals.
  5. Vegetable oils
  6. Corn oil
  7. Canola oil
  8. Safflower oil
  9. Soybean oil
  10. Margarine
  11. Vegetable shortening
    Coach Steph

Reference: Healthline, mashi Fernando, MS, RDN, CDCES — By Kelsey Kunik, RDN and Lauren Panoff, MPH, RD — Updated on May 4, 2023